Tuesday, February 27, 2018

"Joley" Cat Haven

In Loving Memory of Joley
Beloved pet of the Cat Haven


  1. We adopted Joley from Cat Haven as she was Feline Leukemia positive and we had another cat that had the same. We renamed her Joy for that is what she brought us.She lived a short, but happy life with Suzanne West, Shelby Sloan and Dorothy Woodring in Zephyrhills. We loved her and cuddled her every day and she cuddled back. She was one of the sweetest kittens I have ever known, Please think of her as she crosses the rainbow bridge and finds her friends that have passed over before her. Joy, I know you are playing with Chloe, Molly and Hunter right now. We love you and miss you so much.

  2. Would you like me to redo her memorial page to say "Joy"? I can also change her family from Cat Haven to West/Sloan/Woodring. Please let me know as I would be happy to have it correctly reflect her name and family.
    Sincerely, Rachel
