Thursday, May 5, 2016

"Pickles" Puskas/Mendez


In Loving Memory of Pickles
Beloved pet of John & Alex 


  1. Pickles lived her life in this way:
    Live every day as if it were your last with love and joy in your hearts.

    She was loved every second of every minute we were lucky enough to have her in our lives. We were so fortunate to have shared her life with her.
    Alex and John

  2. Pickles, such a sweet girl with a great zest for life and great "singing" voice. You brought an enormous amount of joy to your mommy and daddy and fur brother. They all loved you very much and miss you. Romp, play, wag that tail, and have fun while you are waiting for them at the Rainbow Bridge. <3

  3. You had the bless of the unconditional love of Pickles, and she had the bless of having both of you as her human caring parents. Her lost is very sad, but you have incredible memories to cherish for ever. She will be always in your life. I am deeply sorry for your lost. Gisela

  4. I miss you so much my little sweetie pie.

  5. I love you and miss you everyday.

  6. My little sweetie pie, wherever you are watch over and protect me. I miss you and love you so much!

  7. Why my Angel has gone away, I do not know. Memories are all I now have to cherish and I do. An empty space is all around me but I still feel that you're near. A dream, a feeling and your warmth fill my heart. Oh how I Love you so. Come and visit as many times as you please and know that you always have a place in my heart.

  8. These are all the words that remind me of her:


    RIP you have a wonderful spirit.

  9. Oh my little sweetie pie. I love you and miss you so much. I pray that I will see you again and hold you in my arms. Come to me whenever you like; you are always loved and wanted here in my heart.

  10. Whenever anyone asks me if there is a God, I will say there must be because only God could have made someone as wonderful and beautiful as you. I miss you and love you always Ajahn Pickles.

  11. My little princess Picklelina, You are the true embodiment of God's love on earth. Thank you for sharing your life with me and I cannot wait to see you again.

  12. Good afternoon my little sweetie pie. I miss you and love you very much.

  13. My little Angel you made me so proud to be your Daddy. I love you and miss you everyday.

  14. My little Sweetie pie. Somehow the world is not as bright, things are not as happy without your gentle personality that gave us so much joy. I know things will get better but right now I miss you and wish you were still here. I love you and miss you.

  15. Oh my little Sweetie Pie. Your beautiful soul radiated all your love each and every day. I loved making you happy. You brought so much playfulness, joy and love with each moment and we all miss you terribly.

  16. My little Sweetie Pie:
    2377 days,
    205,372,800 seconds
    3,422,880 minutes
    57,048 hours
    339 weeks and 4 days
    It was not nearly long enough! Add in approximately 23,770 kisses and you still will not come close to how much I love and miss you.

  17. Who can turn the world on with her smile? Who can take a nothing day, and suddenly make it all seem worthwhile?
    Well it's you Sweetie pie, and you should know it
    With each glance and every little movement you showed what
    Love is all about. (Adapted from theme from the Mary Tyler Moore show and meant to be read with that tune in mind.)

    I am so lucky to have shared some many memories with you.
    I love and miss you.

  18. I love you with all my heart my little sweetie pie!

  19. I used to think you stole my heart but that is not true. We gave our hearts to each other and yours is always in mine, my little sweetie pie. I love you and miss you terribly.

  20. My little sweetie pie: Your body broke down but your spirit will always live on. I cannot wait to see you again and hold you. I will always love you with all of my heart so long as I am able.

  21. To my little sweetie pie: I can remember a life without you before you were born and now I am living a life without you after you had to leave us. What I cannot imagine is to live a life without ever knowing you. You are such a wonderful companion with a warm and caring nature. Thank you for all the incredible memories. I love you so much!

  22. My little Angel: Today is the anniversary of the day you came into this world. Although we miss you terribly, Mommy, Daddy and Baca will celebrate your beautiful life that we were so fortunate to have shared with you. We love you and miss you but take comfort in knowing that you are in a better place.

  23. My little sweetie pie,
    I wish I could have protected you from this terrible cancer. I miss your gentle, playful spirit and unconditional love. There is a large void where you once were.

  24. My little Sweetie Pie,
    I hope that we brought you all the love and joy you brought to our lives. Mommy, Baca and Daddy miss you and love you with all our hearts.

  25. My little Picklelina,
    I love you and miss you terribly.

  26. Hi Sweetie,
    I can't wait to see you again!

  27. My little Sweetie Pie,
    You are a true Angle and I love and miss you everyday.

  28. My little Sweetie Pie,
    I can only hope that I learn from the lessons you have given me: To love fiercely, to play with passion and live everyday as if it were my last.
    I cannot wait to see you again and miss you daily.
    With love always.

  29. Namaste, my little Sweetie Pie. I will love you forever!

  30. My little Sweetie Pie,
    You are gone from this world but never forgotten and always loved. We miss you dearly.

  31. Hi Sweetie Pie,
    Thank you for all your greetings, wags of your tail, kisses and nights keeping me company. They were all wonderful! I love and miss you.

  32. My dear little Sweetie Pie,
    Some say that only the good die young. That is no more true than in your case. I wish you were still with us and miss you terribly.

  33. My sweet Princess Picklelina,
    Our moments together were precious and few and cherished. I wonder when I'll see you again and hope that time will come soon. You are missed and loved each and every day.

  34. My little Sweetie Pie,
    We miss your companionship and wish you were still with us. Each day is a struggle but I hope you know how much we love and miss you.

  35. My little Sweetie Pie,
    Thank you for all the wonderful memories and times we spent together. Please know that we will always carry you in our hearts and love you very much.

  36. My little Angel,
    You are never out of my thoughts and prayers. I love you and miss you dearly.

  37. My little Angel,
    I wish to live each remaining day within the love that you so graciously and unselfishly provided every day of your short but hopefully happy life. I love you and miss you so much Sweetie Pie. With love always.

  38. My little Sweetie Pie,
    If love could keep you with alive, you would be immortal. I love you and miss you terribly.

  39. Mommy, Daddy and BacaDecember 27, 2016 at 6:03 AM

    Oh our little Angel,
    We miss you so much and would love it if you were with us. Be at peace and know that you always have a loving place in our hearts.

  40. My little Sweetie Pie,
    I can't wait to see you again and hope to see you soon. I love you and miss you dearly.

  41. My little Sweetie Pie,
    Your were such a wonderful companion and I miss you with all my heart. I can't wait to see you again.

  42. To my beautiful, bouncy, bubbly baby basset,
    I love you with all my heart and wish to see you again soon. With love always.

  43. My little Sweetie Pie,
    You are one the best spirits that I have ever encountered and it was an honor to share your life with you. I wish you were still here and hope you are in a better place. You always have a place in my heart in love.

  44. My little Sweetie Pie,
    You were the concerto to my life and now all I have is a recording to keep me company. I loved the live version much better. I love and miss you dearly.

  45. My little Sweetie Pie,
    You have such a wonderful spirit and joyful, playful way you approach everyday. My wish is to live this way until I can see you again. You always have a place in my heart.
    Love always.

  46. My little Angel,
    I miss your loving greetings each day and your playfulness. Be at peace and know that you are always in my heart and mind.

  47. My little Princess Picklelina,
    I see you as a little fur fountain of love that poured into my life. I am so grateful that you allowed me to spend your life with you and sad that you have transitioned to the next plane. I eagerly look to the time that we will see each other again. Your body is no more but your spirit is all around me.
    I love you with all my heart.

  48. Good morning my Sweetie Pie,
    I was just thinking of you and wanted to let you know how wonderful it was to have you in my life. I miss you terribly and hope you are bringing all the love you gave to me to who ever you are residing with now. I hope to see you soon and that you are well.
    All my love always.

  49. My little Sweetie Pie,
    Today I'm sad that you're not here. I miss your gently loving nature and wonderful greetings that you so freely gave each day. I wish I could play with you and have you by my side. But those wonderful times have past and memories are all I now have. I miss you and love you so very much.

  50. Good morning my little Angel,
    Things here are not as nice since you had to leave us. I hope all is well with you and hope to see you very soon. I love and miss you with all my heart.

  51. My Sweetie Pie,
    You are a wonderful beacon of love in a very unloving world. I miss you and eagerly await the time when we can be together again.

  52. My little Angel,
    Those beautiful eyes, that wagging tail, and especially those wet kisses you gave so freely, these are the things I miss and hold so dearly. I can only hope that I brought even half the joy and happiness that you gave to me. Thank you so much for coming into my life. I will never forget you and look forward to seeing you soon. With all my love always.

  53. My little Sweetie Pie,
    I cannot tell you how blessed and honored I feel for having known such a wonderful Soul. I pray that I will see you again and wish you all the happiness and joy you brought to my life. I love and miss you with all my heart.

  54. My dearest Picklelina,
    You are lost to me for now but never forgotten and always loved. I love you with all my heart and miss you dearly. Hugs and kisses.

  55. My little Angel,
    We have a Sweetie Pie here,
    yes we do,
    A true Sweetie Pie!
    I miss you and love you with all that I am.

  56. Oh my little Sweetie Pie,
    You are a symphony in a world of noise, a bouquet in a world of weeds and I miss you so. Be at peace and know that you are always loved and wanted here with me.

  57. My little Angel,
    To the outside world you were the cute little basset hound with the beautiful voice.
    To me you are an irreplaceable, wonderful, loving Soul who is missed each and every day.
    Thank you for all the memories!
    With love always.
    Namaste my little Sweetie Pie Ajahn Pickles

  58. Good morning my little one,
    I was just thinking about you and hoping that you're alright.
    With love always.

  59. My little Sweetie Pie,
    The world was nicer when you were here,
    Days were brighter and happier,
    Everything made sense.
    Now it's darker, more foreboding,
    Sinister entities lurk in shadows
    Until I feel that you are near.
    Watch over and protect me as you did in life and know that you'll always live here in my Soul.

  60. My little Angel,
    In the span of history we are here but an instant.
    I am so grateful that I was able to share your time with you.
    We will always be connected through our shared experiences
    and I pray that we will have many more to come.
    With love always my little sweetie pie.

  61. My little Sweetie Pie,
    "I love you!"
    These are the words I choose to describe my feelings for you but they somehow cannot really capture the depth. They are all I have but I hope you know how much I cared and continue to care for you.
    All my love always my little Angel. You were heaven sent and my hope is that is were you now reside.

  62. My little Angel,
    Even knowing what happened to you, I would choose to share your life in a heartbeat. You are such a wonderful person and I will cherish all our shared memories.
    With love always.

  63. Mommy, Daddy and BacaMarch 1, 2017 at 7:25 AM

    Our little Angel,
    About this time one year ago we realized that you were sick. We hoped and prayed that you would get better and that we could spent more time with you and that you were not in too much pain. We tried our best, hoped for the best and comforted you. We miss you so and hope that you are well and wish that we will see you again.
    All our love always.

  64. My little Sweetie Pie,
    You are such a kind and gentle Soul filled with love and joyfulness. I miss and love you so very much.

  65. My little Angel,
    This world is callus and cold without you,
    Your love, happiness, and joy filled my world
    Now it's less happy and there is a large void
    Where you once were.
    I hope you are well and loved in your new home.
    Thank you for sharing the times that we had.
    I love you and miss you everyday.

  66. My little Princess Picklelina,
    You are one of the finest spirits that I have ever had the pleasure to share time with. Thank you for sharing your life and love with me. You are always treasured and missed.
    With love always.

  67. My little Sweetie Pie,
    You are such a nice, kind and gentle Soul. I was so blessed to share your life with you. This is why I miss you so.
    All my love always.

  68. My little Angel,
    I hope you are well and miss you very much. You are always in my thoughts and prayers and I Love you with all that I am.

  69. My little Sweetie Pie,
    The is a large hole in my life where you once were.
    My wish is to know that you're alright and loved wherever you may be.
    I'll keep praying for you in the hopes that you'll receive my messages.
    I miss you and love you with all my heart and always will.

  70. My little Angel,
    I hope that I made you as happy and loved as you made me.
    I miss you and love you always.

  71. My little Angel,
    Namaste! I miss your companionship, those wonderful greetings where you ran into my arms and all the times we played together. I love very much and always will.

  72. Dear Princess Picklelina,
    I am so grateful that I shared your life with you and wish it would have been for longer. It hurts because I love and miss you terribly and long for the days when we spent time together. I know that life is often too short and take solace that I recognized this when I still had you with me and was able to tell you what you meant to me. My hope is that you received this message illustrated by the love we shared. Come to me as often as you like and I long for the time that we will see each other again.
    With love always my little Sweetie Pie.

  73. Mommy, Baca and DaddyMarch 23, 2017 at 5:13 AM

    My little Angel,
    It's hard to put into words all the love we have for you. My hope is that you understood this because of the way we treated you each and every day of your life. We miss you and love you very much.

  74. My little Sweetie Pie,
    Where ever you now reside I send my love and hope that you are well. Thank you for all the wonderful memories you so freely gave. I love you with all my heart.

  75. My Angel,
    To others you were the cute, lovable, beautiful basset hound, but to me you meant the world and I count my blessings that I was able to share so many wonderful times with you. I love you and miss you everyday and hope you are in a safe and loving place that matches what I know to be true about you.

  76. Oh my little Sweetie Pie,
    Your love poured out of you each and every day you were here. I thank you for all your kindness, companionship, protection, and love. I miss you dearly and thank God that I was able to spend your life with you. With love always!

  77. We have a Sweetie Pie here,
    Yes we do,
    a true Sweetie Pie!
    I love and miss you dearly my little Angel.

  78. My little Sweetie Pie,
    Sending kisses and love to you always. I love and miss you.

  79. My little Angel,
    Life is not as nice without you in it. I wish you were here to cheer me up. I love and miss you.

  80. My dearest princess Picklelina,
    I wish you were here again,
    healthy and happy.
    I miss you and hope that you are well.
    Namaste my little one;
    you have such a wonderful, kind and gently spirit.
    Thank you for sharing your life with me!
    Know that you are never far from thoughts and prayers.
    Sending all my love to you Sweetie Pie.

  81. Good morning my little Sweetie Pie,
    I love you with all my heart. You are always wanted and loved in our home and we were blessed to share your life with you.
    I am sending you my hugs and kisses.

  82. My little Angel,
    You brought some much joy and love to my life.
    For this I thank you and I hope that you know my
    feelings are the same.
    I love and miss you so very much and hope you are well.

  83. My dearest Sweetie Pie,
    I loved it when you were so relaxed
    and breathed that deep breath that
    let me know you felt safe and secure.
    I was my great pleasure to be your daddy
    take care of you.
    I hope that I did a good job and that
    you had a happy and full life.
    I love you and miss you so much.

  84. Good morning my little Angel,
    I want you to know
    how much I love you so
    It doesn't matter that you're not here
    I'll always hold you near
    You are part of my Soul
    and made me whole.
    I play and pray
    for you each day.
    All my love.

  85. My sweet Picklelina,
    You are one of the great loves of my life.
    Thank you so much for sharing your life with me.
    I miss you and wish you well
    and hope to see you again.
    All my love always.

  86. My little Angel,
    I heard that losing a loved one,
    especially a young one,
    is like an amputation.
    You somehow heal,
    but you're never the same
    I can tell you, this is true
    I love and miss you so very much
    Sending love and kisses to you always.

  87. My little Sweetie Pie,
    I miss you and love you so very much.

  88. My dearest Pickles,
    You are one of my Soul mates,
    I cannot wait until the day I see you again
    Please be well and know that you are always loved and wanted in our home.
    You are never far from my thoughts and always in my heart.
    With love always.

  89. My little Angel,
    I wish you were still here
    and miss you very much.
    My hope is that you're safe and
    I'll see you when my body goes.
    All my love always.

  90. My dearest Pickles,
    There is a large hole in my life
    Were you once resided
    I wish you were here
    but healthy and happy
    Memories flood my mind
    each and every day
    you were so kind
    to share your life with me
    This is why I pray
    that I will see you again someday
    With love Always

  91. My little Angel,
    You have such a wonderful light and joyful spirit
    Even though your body gave out
    I hope and pray you are still near.
    Please know that I love you very much
    and wish you well.
    I hope to see you again soon
    and hold you in my arm.
    I know you are more than your body and flesh
    and that your spirit lives on.
    Sending you all my love and kisses always!

  92. My little Sweetie Pie,
    I wish you were here and miss you terribly.
    Love and kisses always.

  93. My little Angel,
    Spending time with you was a
    slice of Heaven on Earth.
    Hugs and kisses always.
    With Love

  94. My Sweet little Pickles,
    These are the times I wish you were here
    so that I may hold near
    Your wagging tail and soft fur
    Are now only a blur
    Because you were so nice, I miss you so
    But realize you had to go
    Stay safe my little one
    and Daddy will see when he's done.
    Love an kisses always I send your way
    Until the end of my days

  95. Good morning my little Sweetie Pie,
    Thank you for sharing your life with me
    I hope that I made you as happy as you made me
    I miss you and love you with all that I am
    and cannot wait to see you again
    Hugs and kisses!

  96. My little Angel,
    You have such a wonderful spirit
    kind and gentle
    I miss your companionship
    and love
    I hope you are well
    and long to see you again
    Love and kisses
    my little Sweetie Pie

  97. Hi Sweetie,
    "I love you very much"
    These words are all I have to express my feelings
    But they are not nearly enough
    I wish you were still here and miss you terribly.

  98. To my little Sweetie Pie:
    I am so grateful that I was able to share your life with you
    Your joy and zest for life are infectious
    I think I'll always miss you
    That's because you are so very special
    I pray that you are happy and healthy in heaven
    and that I will see you when I go.
    All my love always.

  99. My little Angel,
    No matter happens
    or what I do
    Nothing will dampen
    How I feel about you
    You are so wonderful
    and full of God's Love
    I feel your gentle pull
    my sweet little dove
    All my love always Ajahn Pickles

  100. My Sweetie Pie,
    Oh how I love you so
    and miss you
    I could not bring myself to
    fill your body full of poison
    just so I can have you a little longer
    please forgive me and know
    that I hold you near and dear to my heart
    All my love always
    and I hope and pray to see you soon.

  101. My little Angel,
    No words can describe to love we gave to each other
    I miss and love you very much.
    Namaste my Sweetie Pie

  102. My Little Angel,
    The world was a much nicer place when you were a part of it.
    You made my life happier and filled it with joy.
    For this and so many more memories,
    I thank you and love you with all my heart.

  103. My little Angel,
    Namaste, Ajahn Pickles.
    My hope is that you are well
    and that we'll see each other soon.
    I wish for you to know how much you
    were wanted loved in my life
    I miss you and love you so very much
    I send you kisses and hugs always.

  104. My little Angel,
    The world keeps turning without you
    but my world is wounded
    The joy and love you brought
    kept me safe and calm
    Now that you have gone
    It doesn't feel the same
    Oh how I miss you so
    and long to be with you again
    Love and kisses always.

  105. My Little Sweetie Pie,
    You are always wanted and loved here in my heart.
    Namaste my little Angel!

  106. Mommy, Daddy, and BacaMay 5, 2017 at 6:57 AM

    Our Little Angel,
    I has been one year since
    you left us
    We miss you terribly
    and wish you were here
    We hope you are well
    and wish you all the best
    You always have a home with us
    and live on in our memories
    We hope to see you again
    and immerse ourselves in the
    joy and love you gave so freely
    We send you our kisses and love
    until we see you again.

  107. My little Sweetie Pie,
    I love you with all that I am
    and hope that you feel the same
    Kisses and love always
    my little Angel.

  108. Namaste my little Angel.
    I miss you and love you so very much
    By well and I'll see you soon.

  109. My little Sweetie Pie,
    Your spirit was strong
    even as your body rebelled
    Your last howl and wag
    still lingers in my mind
    Be well and know that you are
    never far from my thoughts and
    always in my heart
    You are always loved and wanted here
    with me

  110. My little one,
    Thank you:
    for all the wonderful memories
    all your love and kisses
    your joy and beautiful voice
    playfulness and companionship
    No one could ever ask for more
    than the unconditional love
    you gave so freely.
    Kisses and love always.

  111. Dear Sweetie Pie,
    You are such a kind and gentle Soul
    I feel so blessed to have shared your life with you
    I wish we had more time together
    but treasure the memories we forged
    I believe I'll see you again
    All my love always.

  112. My little Angel,
    There is a void
    that cannot be filled
    It resides were you once were
    All around are memories
    playful moments
    and happy times
    Thank you for them
    I miss you so
    With love always.

  113. Daddy, Mommy and BacaMay 15, 2017 at 5:27 AM

    My little Sweetie Pie,
    I love you very much!
    But these words do not come close
    to expressing what I really feel for you
    I wish I could have saved you
    to enjoy your company longer
    Unfortunately that didn't happen
    We could have filled your body full with poison
    to selfishly keep you with us
    We couldn't in good conscience
    Do this to you, to prolong your suffering
    I couldn't bear to watch you suffer
    longer than you needed to
    Please forgive me
    Know that you are always loved and wanted
    here in my heart.
    All my love always.

  114. My little Angel,
    It's a lonely place
    the land of tears
    that I now know too well
    I hope you are well and
    cannot wait to see you again
    All my love always.

  115. My little Sweetie Pie,
    I love you and miss you
    so very much.
    Be well,
    hopefully we will
    be together again soon
    Love, hugs and kisses.

  116. My little Angel,
    Having you around was so nice
    Your joy, playfulness and love
    radiated from you each and every moment
    I hope I bring the joy you so freely gave
    to Baca and Mommy each day
    We miss you and love you very much.
    Hugs and kisses always.

  117. Mt little Sweetie Pie,
    Sending you all my love each and every day.
    Miss you.

  118. My little Angel,
    Thank you for sharing your life with me
    I am so grateful and blessed
    to have met someone as special as you
    All my love always.

  119. My dearest Picklelina,
    You are one of the finest persons I know
    I love you and hope to see you soon
    All my love, hugs and kisses

  120. My little Angel,
    I miss you and love you very much.

  121. My dearest Pickles,
    Thank you for sharing your life with me
    I cannot think of a better Soul
    Your beautiful heart and joy
    were infectious
    You are such a wonderful addition to our family
    I will always love you
    and hold you in my heart.

  122. My little Angel,
    I always knew I wouldn't have you forever
    but I wanted you there
    I hope and pray that I'll see you again
    I miss your companionship and love
    Thank you for all the wonderful memories
    All my love always.

  123. My sweetie Pie,
    There are no words to describe
    how much you are missed and loved
    My hope is that you felt these things
    each day I was lucky enough to have you with me
    I miss you, sometimes too much
    This is because you are so loved and wanted
    Hugs and kisses always!

  124. My little Angel,
    The love I have for you
    has not diminished
    if fact
    it has increased
    since you had to leave
    You are always in my thoughts
    and prayers
    I hope to see you again soon
    All my love always.

  125. My dearest Pickles,
    Not a day goes by
    when I do not think of you
    While I miss you
    I take comfort knowing
    that it was my great luck
    to have shared your life with you
    Thank you for all the wonderful memories
    All my love each and every day.

  126. My little Angel,
    These words I write
    do not come close
    to the feelings I have.
    Please know that I Love You
    with all my heart
    and that you always have a home
    with me.
    Hugs and kisses always.

  127. My dearest Pickles,
    I am so fortunate to have shared your life with you
    Thank you for all our shared memories
    I will cherish them for as long as I am able
    I wish you all the love you gave to me
    Hugs and kisses always.
    Miss you Sweetie Pie.

  128. My little Angel,
    Ever since you came into my life,
    Each day I prayed and thanked God
    For bringing you to my life
    I am so blessed to know
    such a wonderful Soul
    I love you and miss you
    Hugs and kisses.

  129. My dearest Pickles,
    You are always loved and wanted
    here in my heart
    Thank you for sharing your life with me
    I am so blessed to know you
    All my love always.

  130. My little Angel,
    Thinking of you
    Sending you
    Kisses, hugs and love

  131. My dearest Pickles,
    I always knew there would come a day
    when you would have to leave
    I never thought it would come so soon
    You are the most wonderful, loving companion
    anyone could ask for
    I love you, miss you, and hope that you are safe
    All my love always.

  132. My little Angel,
    I am sorry you had to go
    but I love you so
    I think of you every day
    and pray
    that you are safe and well
    Even though you cannot be here
    never fear
    I carry your love in my heart
    even though we are apart.
    All my love always.

  133. My little one,
    I love you and miss you.
    All my love always.

  134. My sweet little one,
    Thank you for all the wonderful memories
    I hope you are well
    and wish to see you soon
    Sending you hugs and kisses.

  135. My dearest Pickles,
    All my love always
    You are never far from my thoughts and prayers
    You are missed so very much.

  136. Namaste! Ajahn Pickles,
    You are always loved and wanted here in my heart.
    Sending you kisses and hugs.

  137. My Sweet little one,
    I am so grateful to have shared your life with you
    You are so wonderful and loving
    Please watch over and protect me, mommy and Baca
    All our love always our little Angel.

  138. My dearest Pickles,
    I love you and miss you each and every day
    All my love
    I hope you are well and in a safe place
    Hugs and kisses.

  139. My little Angel,
    I wish you didn't have to go
    but did not want you to suffer any longer
    Come see me whenever you like
    and know that you always have a place in my heart
    You are always love and wanted here
    Namaste Ajahn Pickles

  140. My little Angel,
    You are a true gift from heaven here on earth
    I always knew that you would have to go back
    I just wanted a little more time with you
    Thank you for all your time and love
    Kisses and hugs.

  141. My dearest little Pickles,
    You are sorely missed
    and always loved.
    You are never far from my thoughts and
    always in my prayers.
    Sending you kisses and hugs
    my little sweetie pie.

  142. My little Angel,
    You are such a wonderful person and I miss your
    happiness, joy and love
    Sending you all my love always.

  143. My dearest Pickles,
    I hope you are well and in a safe place
    I hope to see you again
    I wish you all the happiness and love
    you gave to me so freely
    Sending you all my love always
    my little Angel

  144. My little Sweetie Pie,
    I hope you know how proud I am to share your life with you
    I pray that I will see you again
    I wonder how you are doing and where you are
    I love you with all my heart
    You always have a place in my heart
    Kisses and hugs.

  145. My little Angel,
    Sending you all my love.
    You are missed and there is
    a large whole where you once were
    I pray that you are well
    and hope to see you soon.
    Kisses and hugs Ajahn Pickles.

  146. My sweet little Picklelina,
    You are loved every minute
    of everyday
    that air goes through my lungs
    I miss you and wish you well
    All my love always.
    Hugs and kisses.

  147. My little Angel,
    Our time together here is through
    but no matter how short it was
    I would not change a thing
    and feel so fortunate to have shared
    our time together
    I hope to see you again
    Love and kisses always.

  148. My dearest Pickles,
    I love you and miss you
    Sending kisses, hugs and love

  149. My little one,
    I'm sorry I couldn't save you
    I'm glad for all the times we shared
    I told you I loved every day
    it was not enough
    I hugged you every night
    and kissed you good bye each morning
    The void you left is large
    but not bigger than the Love
    I carry for you in my heart.
    Hugs and kisses my little Sweetie Pie.

  150. To my little Angel,
    Life was so beautiful when you were here
    Now I miss you so
    I cherish each memory and hold in near
    Until the time comes for me to go.
    I strive to live in your love
    as you watch me from above
    Guide me in my quest
    Until we meet again, I give you my best.
    All my love, hugs and kisses.

  151. My little Sweetie Pie,
    Sending you hugs, kisses and love
    each and every day.
    Namaste Ajahn Pickles

  152. Good morning my Angel,
    Thank you for being who you are
    the most loving, gentle spirit
    I love you with all my heart
    even though we are apart
    Love, hugs and kisses

  153. My little Angel,
    I wish you were here.
    Sending all my love, hugs and kisses.
    I miss you dearly.

  154. My little Sweetie Pie,
    You are always loved and have a home
    within my heart.
    Come to visit whenever you please.
    Thank you for sharing your life with me.
    You were the answer to all my prayers.
    I love you so very much.

  155. My dearest Pickles,
    I am so grateful to have shared your life with you
    You are such a wonderful and kind spirit
    I hope and pray we will see each other again.
    Love, hugs and kisses, always.
    Namaste Ajahn Pickles

  156. My little Angel,
    You are always loved and wanted
    in my heart.
    Sending you hugs and kisses.

  157. My dearest Pickles,
    Each time I try to put into words
    how wonderful I think you are,
    the words are too limiting
    they cannot accurately describe how
    nice you are,
    your wonderful zest for life
    and the love you so freely gave to me.
    Thank you for being who you are
    and letting me come along for the ride.
    All my love always.

  158. My little Angel,
    Thank you for sharing your life with me
    I have been so blessed.
    I miss and love you very much.
    Hugs and kisses.

  159. My dearest Pickles,
    Time keeps going; it never stops
    Somehow I must go on without you
    Memories of you stream and drip from my head
    I miss those wonderful times
    When you were near
    I hope you are well and safe
    and that I'll see you again
    Thank you for being so nice
    Hugs and kisses.

  160. My little Angel,
    I love and miss you so very much.
    Hugs and kisses.

  161. My little Sweetie Pie,
    You are such a wonderful spirit
    I am so proud and fortunate to have
    shared this life with you.
    You always have a safe place in my heart
    Come as often as you like.
    All my love always.

  162. My little Angel,
    Love, hugs and kisses.
    Miss you.

  163. My sweet little baby,
    Thank you for all the wonderful memories!
    I still feel your kisses and miss our play time.
    I hope to see you again and that you are safe.
    You always have a loving place to come with me.
    I love you and miss you dearly.

  164. Ajahn Pickles,
    Live life fiercely
    with love always
    Never take anything for granted
    Enjoy each moment
    Play often
    Eat well
    Stay with those you love
    Thank you for taking the time to teach me.
    All my love, hugs and kisses

  165. My little Angel,
    You are never far from my thoughts
    Always in my prayers
    Sending you love, hugs and kisses.
    Namaste Ajahn Pickles

  166. My little Angel,
    Not a day goes by that I don't think of you
    and how wonderful you are
    I miss you and love you so very much
    Hugs and kisses.

  167. My dearest Pickles,
    You always have a loving and safe place
    here in my heart.
    I miss you and love you so very much.
    Hugs and kisses.

  168. My little Angel,
    Thank you for sharing your life with me.
    I love and miss you.

  169. My little Pickles,
    You blessed me with your companionship
    shared your life with me
    Thank you for being so wonderful and loving
    I miss you and hope you are well
    Hugs, kisses and love are always here for you

  170. My little Angel,
    I miss you and love you so very much.
    You always have a safe place to come
    here in my heart.
    Thank you for sharing your life with me.

  171. My dearest Pickles,
    You are always wanted and loved here with me
    Thank you for sharing your life with me
    I hope to see you again soon
    Sending you kisses, hugs and love

  172. My little Angel,
    I miss you and hope you are well
    I love you and wish to see you again
    Thank you for being so loving
    a companion
    You are never far from my thoughts
    and always have a safe place in my heart
    Love and kisses.

  173. My little sweetie pie,
    I miss you and love you very much.
    Thank you for sharing your life with me!
    I am so grateful and feel very fortunate
    to have know such a wonderful spirit.
    Namaste Ajahn Pickles

  174. My little Angel,
    I love you and miss you.
    Love, hugs and kisses.

  175. My little one,
    You are loved and missed each and every day.
    Thank you for sharing your life with me.
    I hope you are safe and well and
    wish to see you again soon.
    Hugs, love and kisses always.

  176. My little Angel,
    Each day with you was a dream come true.
    Your life was the miracle.
    Thank you for sharing the miracle
    with me.

  177. My little Sweetie Pie,
    You are always loved and wanted here in my heart.
    You are missed, dearly.
    I hope you are well and safe.
    I wish to see you again in heaven.
    Love, hugs and kisses each and every day.

  178. My little Picklelina,
    Thank you for being so wonderful.
    You are never far from my thoughts
    and always in my heart.
    Namaste Ajahn Pickles.
    Yo Te Amo.

  179. My little Angel,
    You are such a wonderful Soul.
    I cannot wait to see you again.
    Thank you for sharing your life with me.
    I miss you and love you very much!

  180. Namaste Ajahn Pickles,
    I miss you and love you very much!
    Love, hugs and kisses.

  181. Sweetie Pie,
    I'm thinking of you and
    sending you my love, hugs, and kisses.
    Yo Te Amo my little one.

  182. My little Angel,
    I hope you are well
    I wish to see you again
    I love you with all my heart.
    I am missing you.

  183. My dearest Pickles,
    I love you and miss you beyond words.
    Namaste my little Angel.

  184. My little one,
    Thank you for sharing your life with me.
    I truly appreciate it.
    All my love always.

  185. My little Angel,
    You are never far from my thoughts and
    always in my heart.
    You te amo

  186. My sweet little one,
    I love you and miss you beyond measure.
    I long for the day that I can see you again.
    All my love, hugs and kisses.

  187. Dear Picklelina,
    All my love, always.
    You have a very special place in my heart.
    I hope you feel the same.
    Love, hugs, and kisses.

  188. My little Angel,
    I cannot wait to see you again.
    Sending you love, hugs and kisses.
    Yo te amo

  189. My little one,
    Sending you love, hugs, and kisses.
    I wish you were still here
    but understand that you cannot.
    I love and miss you dearly.

  190. Mommy, Baca, and DaddySeptember 9, 2017 at 7:24 PM

    My little Angel,
    Please watch over us and protect us with your love,
    We love you with all our hearts and Souls.
    Be well and know that you are deeply missed
    and we always want you with us.
    You always have a special place in our heats.
    With love always.

  191. Sweet little Picklelina,
    I miss you and love you so very much.
    Thank you for sharing your life with me.
    Love, hugs and kisses.

  192. My little Angel,
    Time was so wonderful when you
    shared yours with me.
    Your playfulness and love
    lifted my spirit each and every day.
    Please watch over and protect me
    until we meet again.
    Love, hugs and kisses...Always.

  193. My Sweetie Pie,
    Words cannot describe how much
    I love you.
    I hope that you feel the same and
    that our time together
    was as wonderful for you as it was for me.
    Love, hugs and kisses.

  194. My little Angel,
    Time marches on
    but is not the same
    without you.
    The time will come when
    I too shall pass.
    Hopefully, I will see you
    when it does.
    I miss you and love you very much.
    All my love always.
    Stay safe and well until we meet again.

  195. My little Angel,
    I love you and miss each and
    every day.
    Sending you love, hugs and kisses.
    Namaste my little Sweetie Pie!

  196. Sweetie Pie,
    I love you and miss you so very much.
    Thank you for sharing your life with me.
    I am so grateful to have the opportunity.

  197. My little Picklelina,
    I believe that your body was just a shell
    that held your beautiful spirit.
    That body has been reduced to ash
    but your spirit lives on.
    I hope this is true and
    that I'll see you again.
    Sending love, hugs and kisses

  198. My little Angel,
    I love you and miss you
    each and every day.

  199. My Sweetie Pie,
    Thank you for sharing your beautiful life
    and spirit with me.
    I am so grateful
    you blessed me with your love.
    You are always in my thoughts and prayers.
    Love, hugs, and kisses.
