Here we will post memorials for each faithful friend we care for. Please add comments to personalize your pet's memorial, and feel free to comment on others' memorials. Everyone is welcome to share memories of their beloved faithful friend!
To add your pet to the memorial page, or to add pictures of your pet to an existing memorial, please email
You will always be remembered by everyone. You touched so many people's hearts. The most fondest memory of all is you never wanting to stop chasing your ball. Everyone that came to the house was your instant friend if they touched and threw the ball. I think the two that will miss you the most is Hannah (your big sis) and little Oliver who thought you were his "daddy", who said cats and dogs don't get along. Love you always your people mom and dad, Ken and Maureen.
You will always be remembered by everyone. You touched so many people's hearts. The most fondest memory of all is you never wanting to stop chasing your ball. Everyone that came to the house was your instant friend if they touched and threw the ball. I think the two that will miss you the most is Hannah (your big sis) and little Oliver who thought you were his "daddy", who said cats and dogs don't get along. Love you always your people mom and dad, Ken and Maureen.