Thursday, January 4, 2018

"Zoe" Weening

In Loving Memory of Zoe
Beloved pet of the Weening family


  1. Precious Zoë, we are missing you so much. Words don't express our grief with your passing. Our lives are so empty & sad. We know you are frolicking around & are healthy now, joining new friends there at the Rainbow Bridge, waiting for that day when we join you as a family, never to be apart again. Can't wait for our Yorkie kissies once again. Please know you are loved to the moon & back ~ and will be in our hearts today, and all tomorrows. Rest peacefully,sweet baby. Mom & Dad

  2. Precious Zoë, we continue to miss you so much. Dad & I are able now to chuckle at your antics & smile when we talk about you (many times a day.) But we still shed tears because you aren't here with us. We will be leaving Florida soon to return to our home, knowing it will be so empty without you. Your bed is still there under the coffee table where you last climbed out of it. Your placemat is still on the floor where you ate your meals. Your spot in our bed is vacant. I dread entering the house passing by your stroller in the garage. Tears are running down my face now..just remembering all you were. Rest peacefully, my baby girl. XO Your devoted mom
